
Sunday May 1, 2022

7202 E 21st St N
Wichita, KS 67206

Hours: Noon – 5:00 PM

We invite you to be a sponsor of EcoFest Wichita! Your sponsorship can be monetary or in-kind. In addition to being listed on advertising and promotional materials as a sponsor, you will have the opportunity to host a booth at the event to display products and disseminate information.

General Benefits

This is a great opportunity for you to receive exposure as a green business and a friend of the environment. We hope to have the opportunity to visit with you in person about the benefits of sponsorship. In the meantime, feel free to call or email us with any questions.

If you have already decided you want to participate in this event, you may complete the print sponsorship form and return to us. You may also register online by using the form below.

Sponsorship Levels

Eco Partner ($750 & above)

  1. Recognition in online promotion, including website and Facebook
  2. Sponsor logo prominently displayed on our website with link to your business
  3. Sponsor mention in advertisements
  4. Sponsor logo prominent on ecoFest posters and advertisements
  5. Sponsor provided banner displayed at ecoFest
  6. Sponsor listing prominently displayed in event program
  7. Sponsor name announced every hour during the festival
  8. Booth space choice for sponsor designee
  9. Speaker time to promote product
  10. Certificate of ecoFest participation
  11. Four items in swag bag

Eco Ally ($500 to $749)

  1. Recognition in online promotion, including website
  2. Sponsor logo on our website with link to your business
  3. Sponsor logo on ecoFest posters
  4. Sponsor provided banner displayed at ecoFest
  5. Sponsor listing in event program
  6. Sponsor name announced every two hours during the festival
  7. Speaker time to promote product
  8. Certificate of ecoFest participation
  9. Three items in swag bag

Eco Friend ($250 to $499)

  1. Sponsor logo on ecoFest posters
  2. Sponsor listing in program
  3. Sponsor name announced twice during the festival
  4. Two items in swag bag

Eco Pal ($99 to $249)

  1. Sponsor listing in program
  2. Verbal recognition at ecoFest
  3. One item in swag bag

Questions? Contact a coordinator!

Email Us!

Lucy Kirkham-Cochener
ecoFest Co-chair 

Holger Meyer
ecoFest Co-chair

Marcia Ellsworth
Sponsor Coordinator

Vivien Minshull-Ford
Artist Coordinator

Jennifer Connelly
Eco-Activist Coordinator

Sponsor Registration

Contact Info


Sponsorship Details

Payment Details (Leave blank if not paying online)
Enter your custom sponsorship amount. You may also donate by mail or in person. Contact Marcia for more information: 316-688-5352mjelsworth@aol.com

Total $ 0

Past Sponsors

Green Acres
Spice Merchant
Wings of the Wind Kites and Toys
Tanya’s Soup Kitchen
Oh Yeah China Bistro
Imagine That Toys

Hat Man Jack
Watermark Books
Bicycle X-Change Shops
DC Tree
Earth Spirit
Garden Grill
Greteman Group

K Coe Isom
Koskra Center for Ayurveda
Natural Grocers
The Fresh Market
Tree Top Nursery
Zen Friends

Countdown to EcoFest








EcoFest 2022

Sunday, May 1, 2022
Noon - 5 PM

7202 E. 21st St. N.
Wichita, KS 67206